All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


To All of Year 6

As SATS week arrives it is not quite the same,
The tests that were printed this year never came,
The displays all still up;walls full of maths ‘rules’,
But Year 6 is very different, at present, in schools.

For some of you, happiness, lots of relief,
For others a sign of pure disbelief,
That you worked really hard in advance of this week.
Expected and Greater Depth marks you did seek.

Algebra, fractions, the times table drills,
Inference, retrieval, in-depth reading skills,
Past present, progressive … and all the SPAG terms,
You’ve practised and mastered them over the years.

Fear not though, the SATS yes, won’t happen this term.
But remember tests don’t measure everything you learn.
Primary subjects are varied; you’ve always tried your best,
And many of those skills that you’ve gained can’t be defined by a test.

So, here at All Saints, you’ve made us so proud
We sit here with pride and we shout this out loud…
“Year 6 you amaze us, you’ve come incredibly far…
And we don’t need a test to see how amazing you are!”

Mrs Jeary & Mrs Niven