All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Governor Monitoring: EYFS & KS1

Sue Graves (NE governor) and I had a fantastic morning at Stibbard. We were welcomed in to the first Collective Worship with Father Michael. The children enjoyed a story and joined in with the Lord’s prayer.

We started in Reception seeing their phonics session in action. They were working so hard and impressed us both with all the sounds they had already learned! We had a quick look at their fantastic Tapestry journals.

We went on to join Year 1 in English then Year 2 in Maths. Year 1 were re-telling a story using actions. We really enjoyed their performances. Year 2 were busy learning about money. When I asked a group of children if they thought this was a useful thing to learn, all said ‘yes’ except one who said it was fine he would just take all his money to the bank to be counted! They were having great fun handling the coins and notes.

Break time was full of fun and energy. We had some really good conversations with the children. It was lovely to see year group and gender mixing.

I then joined Nursery during song and story time. They all seemed to have settled back in to the new term. Excellent to see their Tapestry Journals that will travel through to Reception with them. Meanwhile Sue really enjoyed the talk from the visiting author, James Campbell. It was really inspirational and there was lots of laughter from both children and staff!

Thank you for a fantastic morning.