All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Key Stage 2 School Closure and Coats!

We are in such a strange situation, something none of us have experienced in our many years of teaching. Between us we have ensured that our children in KS2 can access Google Classroom. We understand that some children do not have access to the internet at home, we are aiming to get work printed out in a pack for them over the next few days.

Please have a look at Google classroom with your children, we will be adding to this over the coming week.

Below are some websites for you to look at and possibly help your children through the next weeks. The second one leads you to 15 different sites which are free!


For all the children still in school tomorrow and Friday, please ensure they have a coat in school as rain is forecast and it is still cold.  We do tell the children to put their coats on, however some have started to appear in school without them. Thank you for your help and understanding with this.





Father Michael visits Year 4

Year 4 welcomed Father Michael Cartwright to the class on Thursday. They had prepared many interesting questions to ask him. The questions ranged from asking which was his favourite hymn, had he got a favourite bible story to his favourite ice-cream flavour.

We found out that Father Mike had previously been a headteacher in Northamptonshire before deciding to become a priest. He was ordained in Peterborough Cathedral 36 years ago, however he admitted that Norwich Cathedral was perhaps his favourite one. We learnt that his favourite hymn is Angel Voices Ever Singing and he really likes the carol, The Calypso Carol.

We really enjoyed seeing him, he loves working with children and talking with them. Father Mike is the priest at Stibbard church as well as Foulsham Church.

Year 4 news 13/2/20

Year 4 are being kept busy. Last week we mummified tomatoes…. did they tell you about this? We are now patiently waiting until after half term to see the results of our efforts.

This week we are focusing on class reading, the children are reading in pairs, looking for words they may not understand and encouraging each other to sound out words they find initially difficult to read.

For half term please encourage your child to keep learning their tables and improve their response time to the questions. There has been a lot of improvement in class sessions, however I’d really appreciate you also encouraging about 10-30mins a day using the websites I suggested.

The main part of the half term homework is to relax, have some chill out time and do something different, go exploring, try new things and be ready to talk about them when we return on the 24th February.

Mrs B



Year 4 Discuss Brexit

Year 4 have been learning about the historical importance of today. They say….

“we should stay in the European Union because it will cost us a lot of money to travel now”

“It will change our lives after the 11 months transition.” “I feel we should stay because we will still be in Europe.”

We also had a minority who believe we should leave.

We have recorded this historic occasion in our memory books.

The Blue Cross

Today the children have had an excellent presentation from Erin of The Blue Cross. She came in to talk to the whole school about safety around dogs. This is very relevant to us all because of the extreme cases in the news where we hear of dogs being afraid and attacking people.

The children learnt about how to approach dogs, checking with the owner and the dog if it is ok to touch them . They recommend the three C’s approach.

Check: ask the owner if the dog is ok to touch.

Call: pat your knees to see if the dog will come over.

Count: pat or stroke three times and then stop to check the dog is happy.

The children will be bringing home a leaflet in the next day or two explaining all about dog safety, please ask them to talk with you about what they have learnt.

Holocaust Memorial Day

On Monday the KS2 children had a special assembly to understand Holocaust Memorial Day. They were amazing, they listened well and some children gave very thoughtful and factual contributions. We talked about the word DISCRIMINATION and how no one should ever experience this in their lives because of their race, religion or beliefs.

The whole school then made a flame, each child has contributed to this to remind us to remember the 6 million people who suffered in The Holocaust.


Panto time…. oh yes it was!

We were so lucky to secure the M&M theatre company to perform their pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk. We had a fabulous afternoon with all the children and staff joining in with all the traditions of a pantomime, cheering, clapping, booing the baddy. We are so grateful to our fabulous friends committee who funded this experience, we loved it and it brought a smile to everyone’s faces. Thank you!

Year 4 Tuesday news

Year 4 are currently looking at Quadrilateral shapes, they know they are 4 sided shapes and are learning all the different names associated with them. Ask them to name them, describe their properties and even have a go at drawing them.

Our early morning soft start work is centred around SPaG (Spelling, punctuation and grammar) The children have a sentence and need to identify things like main clauses, subordinate clauses, nouns, adjectives, conjunctions etc. They are becoming more confident with it. Well done Year 4!

Year 4

For this week Year 4 have PE on Wednesday. Please ensure they have proper PE kit for outdoors and a warm jumper.

Next week, starting on January 14th (Tuesday) the children will be swimming. They will need a swimming hat.

Thank you.

Mrs B.

Bedtime Story Cafe

We had a fantastic evening with many children in our first Bedtime Story Cafe. Everyone appeared in their pyjamas bringing with them a cuddly toy. Hot chocolates and biscuits were consumed mid way through.

It was lovely to see so many returning after school and enjoying this activity with their friends.

Thank you for allowing your children to attend and being so supportive of us.

Mrs B.