All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1 PE 

During PE this term the children have been working on their gross motor skills and different ways they can move around a space. We have practised hopping, 2 footed jumping, side steps, marching, skipping and so many more. The children have loved getting creative with their movement and finding different ways to move. We have also been working on our balance, incorporating team games, yoga and gymnastics into our weekly PE lessons.

Welly Day in Autumn  

Year 1 have loved our Welly Day sessions. The sessions have been based around the children’s interests and requests. At the start of the term, Year 1 noticed many blackberries, apples and pears growing around the school site so we decided to make a delicious crumble. The children helped pick the blackberries and then they all made a crumble to take home.

As autumn has started to arrive, our interest has changed to conkers and other signs of autumn. The children have loved making conker rockets, snakes and spiders. Year 1 we’re super sensible using the conker clamp and palm drill to create the hole through the middle of their conker for the snakes and spiders.

Year 1 are Artists 

This term our focus in art is spiral and continuous line drawings. We have thought about which parts of our body we use to draw and whether we can change what we draw if we just move our fingers or if we can move our whole arm. 

The children have absolutely loved having their own sketchbooks and exploring different materials including pen, graphite, crayon and oil pastels.  The children were tasked with exploring and drawing the shells without taking their pencil off the paper once. 

I am so impressed with Year 1’s concentration and enthusiasm during art.

Settling into life in Year 1

The children have made a fantastic start to life in Year 1. They have loved exploring the new classroom and adapting well to new routines.  The children have enjoyed the slow transition from Reception and have loved the chance to explore their own interests during COOL (choose our own learning) time.  The creative area, book corner and home corner have been particularly busy. 

A mathermatical and artistic morning in the life of Year 1!

The year ones worked hard on Thursday morning and had to exercise their creative and mathematical brains!

In maths the children are learning about position and language. They had to be very precise in their instructions when playing human table football. The aim was to direct their friends to the football and score a goal using some directional language. They did a fabulous job and there were some brilliant celebrations!

Within art the children are really developing their creative talents. They are forming preferences for working with different mediums and are looking carefully when completing observational drawings. In Year 1 we are working on a project studying birds. The children demonstrated very carefully looking when working on their drawings of feathers.

New Gallery Opening Soon – artists needed!

Our school is excited to be opening a new gallery in the entrance hall and is looking for work from up and coming artists!

The new gallery will be showing work chosen, or created, by the children in our school.

The only catch is that the gallery is very very small – in fact it is in a dolls house!

Mrs Cairns has provided some templates for children to use, but can also use her special magic to shrink any work down to the right size if necessary.

Children can exhibit any type of art that they wish.  There is space for sculpture as well as 2D creations.

NSPCC Assembly and Activity

Recently we worked in our Key Stages to learn what the NSPCC do and how we can talk to trusted adults in our lives to help us ‘Speak Out’ when we need to. We then explored the NSPCC website, and KS1 thought of their ‘happy places’ and KS2 made fortune tellers containing information about the NSPCC and Childline.