All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Yr 5/6 CB Cricket

Today we enjoyed a cricket session with Jim from Great Witchingham Cricket Club. The children enjoyed playing in teams and working together to achieve great skills. 

Yr 5/6 CB Coffee Morning

As part of our flourish lessons thinking about our community year 5/6 CB decided to have a coffee morning for their families and friends they have worked with this term. It was lovely to welcome parents, grandparents, cousins, the Open the Book team and Mr Green, Fakenham Academy Headteacher to our morning. Everyone chatted and got to know each other even better.

Thank you for the kind donation of cakes, they were really well received and thank you to everyone who came. The children really enjoyed meeting you all.

World Book Day’s Dress Up A Potato

Today, Stibbard was overrun with some amazing adjective costumes to celebrate World Book Day. One of the activities on offer was to decorate a potato.  Year 2 and Year 5/6 CB worked together to create fun designs and did a fantastic job. We all had lots of book fun and learned lots of new adjectives.

Yr 5/6 and Yr 2 Potato Head Creations

This afternoon we joined Yr 5/6 CB and Yr 2 together to create potato heads. There was lots of imagination, paint, glue and sticks around the classroom. The children worked really well together. After we had finished we viewed the work created in Yr2.

Year 5/6 CB World Book Day

The children made a great effort at thinking about an adjective to describe who they were today. We had scary, special, black, snappy, lazy, sleepy, sporty, brave, camouflage, cosy and frightening.

Brave Colour

The children have really enjoyed this half terms art project called Brave Colour. They made mood boards using different fabrics and media before starting to create their shoe box art colour rooms.

The finished results of the art project. It was lovely to hear the encouraging comments from everyone to each other about their colour boxes.

KS2 Dodgeball at UEA SportsPark

Children from both 5/6 classes attended the KS2 dodgeball competition at the UEA SportsPark. The children played incredibly well and showed excellent sportsmanship throughout the event. The children won several games and managed to finish 6th overall.