All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Y2 Autumn Term 

Year 2 have had such a busy half term trying their hands at a wide range of activities which have supported them in learning new knowledge and skills.

They have learned about why light is important to Christians and have explored

the Jewish festival of Hanukkah and The Hinduism festival of light – Diwali. 

PE has been lots of fun playing team games, practising ball skills and a highly active version of follow my leader. 

One of the class’ favourite topics has been The Great Fire Of London which has sparked lots of curiosity, questions and excitement (especially when role playing putting the fire out using gun powder to blow up houses to prevent the fire from spreading)

There’s one more week of term to go and lots more exciting learning to do. 

Well done Y2.

Stibbard Village Sign Unveiling

We have been really privileged today to see the new Stibbard village sign being unveiled. The children had, last year, created drawings about Stibbard and these were then incorporated into the final design. 

The sign was made by local blacksmith artist, Toby Winterbourn. Together with several parishioners he created a wonderful piece of work to be seen by many. 

The local MP for North Norfolk, Steff Aquarone gave a speech and did the countdown to the unveiling. Four of our local children from the village were invited do the honours of revealing the sign. 

Afterwards we all walked back to school, the parents and parishioners in the community were invited to an afternoon tea party in the school hall, it was lovely to see so many people supporting. Thank you. 

The friends made so many delicious cakes, we are really grateful for their commitment and baking skills to make this such a successful event. The children were all bought cakes to their classrooms. 

KS1 Cross Country

Today 16 Children from Year 1 and 2 attended the KS1 Cross Country competition at Langley Prep School. The children represented our school fantastically, showing excellent sportsmanship and our school values throughout. Our Year 1 boys ran particularly well taking both 2nd and 3rd place spots, and one of Year 2 boys came 2nd. 

As a team they all ran exceedingly well and mostly placed in the top 20, making Stibbard All Saints the Runners Up for the entire event! 

Well done to our KS1 team and thank you to Mrs Hobbs and Miss Batchelor for accompanying our children.

Norfolk Police Webinar

This afternoon year 5 joined many other year 5 children across Norfolk in a webinar for Hate Crime Awareness week. Mrs B was amazed at the responses to questions asked of the children and their general understanding about this issue. They learnt that the age for Criminal Responsibility is 10 years old and that at this age they are starting to really understand the difference between right and wrong. Well done year 5 for your mature response.

Visitor to Cherry Class!

As part of our topic, All About Me, Cherry Class were delighted to welcome one of our parents to inspire us with a talk about his job.  Mr Sandwell works far out in the North Sea on an oil rig.  We were fascinated to learn that it takes a day to get to work and three different modes of transport.  We saw a video with huge machinery and we talked a lot about the uses of oil and gas in our homes.  We asked lots of questions too.  Thank you, Mr Sandwell.

Y5 Operation Welcome

Year 5 have had an afternoon out of the classroom where they have been making our area at the front of the school more welcoming. They have dug, destoned and weeded the beds outside our classroom all the way to the staff room. They have worked well together, got filthy(sorry!) and really enjoyed themselves. They have planted about 100 daffodils and are planning the next stage… watch this space. 

Visitor in Y4 Birch Class

Birch class had a surprise visit from Miss Skinner and baby Bronwyn this afternoon. The class had lots of questions for Miss Skinner, ranging from, “How much does Bronwyn wriggle when you are trying to get her dressed?” through to, “What is it like being a Mum?” We have learned that Bronwyn doesn’t have a favourite teddy yet and that she is still too young to watch the TV! Thank you Miss Skinner, it was great to see you.

Class of 2024

It is always so sad to see our Year 6 children leave. We had our Leavers’ service yesterday where the children shared their memories of their time at All Saints. They were presented with their hoodies which the Friends kindly bought for each child. They also received a little worry worm from our Open the Book team which they can put in their blazer pocket ready for that first day at High School. 

We are so proud of this year group, they have coped with two lockdowns in different key stages, the class became half the size and they experienced a rocky few years with different adults in the class . They overcame so much and still managed to achieve SATs results beyond our initial expectations. 

We wish them well as they start the next stage of their education, they will be greatly missed.

Year 5/6 CB

Today we opened the time capsule the children made on their transition day, exactly a year ago today. They read their letters to themselves which we had put in the tin and giggled at the photo we took. We had to recreate it a whole year on. Who has changed the most? Who has grown the most?